아래의 글은  ' To earn a bit ' 제목으로 애드센스 이외의 다른 방법으로
블로그에서 돈을 벌 수 있는 Tip 을 제공하는 글 입니다.

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[펀글] Here are a few ways to earn a bit extra that are ideal for a frugal mind:
  1. Make it yourself and sell it.
    One artist I knew would bang together special tray-like art frames with 1x4" pieces of used wood and make "found art" with various objects and glue. I doubt she spent much money on them, and her pieces were between $150-350 each. She was very good at what she did, employing a skill similar to scrapbooking. She did sell a few pieces per year, after local cafes displayed her work. Making found art is also considered a therapeutic activity.
  2. Start a blog.
    If you have reasonably good communication skills and access to the Internet, consider starting a weblog. Be somewhat focused. By doing so, once your site has been established sufficiently, you may qualify for services such as PayPerPost, ReviewMe , SponsoredReviews or LoudLaunch to get paid for reviewing an advertiser's product or service. A frugal-minded person is often an ideal candidate for writing consumer reviews. Some people are earning as much as $1,000/month with such opportunities, though most people probably don't. Your blog could even be a pf (personal finance) blog and you could slap on some Google AdSense or Chitika ads for possible future revenue.
  3. Be an online tutor/ advisor/ personal coach.
    Sites like Tutors Without Limits offer a great framework for earning a bit extra by tutoring students around the world. You set up your profile on their site and use the free Skype VoIP software to hold audio/ video tutorial sessions with one or more students. Payment is with PayPal, though not all countries are represented yet. A similar service is through Bitwine, which is an addon (plugin) for Skype, though it's not just for tutoring. If you don't have regular access to a computer, you might consider Ether.
  4. Mystery shopper.
    Some stores hire people to shop and report back on the behavior of store clerks as well as scan for shoplifters. The frugal-minded shopper will likely enjoy this. I can't pretend to know where you start to find this sort of work, but I suggest you ask around at large department stores.
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애드센스의 수익으로 기록되고 정산이 되는지 궁금합니다.

혹, 아시는 블러거분이 계시면 댓글 부탁합니다. 

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